Friday, August 12, 2011

Where can i fined a customizable advanced 3d physics game maker?

I'v been spending some time learning c# javascript html gml and had an insperation to begin a 3d modling physics game where i need alot of room to put in my ideas. i'v spent the past few days browsing the internet looking for a 3d physics game maker and found quit a few but i'm afraid that these programs will limit me to how far i wont to go i mean I'm willing to start with c++ or java on notepad if i have to. so with my last hope i'v commed to you guys hopping to fined a complete customiazble 3d physics gamemaker.

Do you think this is a good description of the invention of movies?

Is this aimed for young children? If so, it's a great description, although I must say Kubrick's Clockwork Orange is a strange choice for an example...

Need help from TECH SAVVY COMPUTER person!?

I have recently been enlisted to design a school newspaper website for my school. It must be very professional and boast a clean user interface. We were hoping to emulate the site, but also want to include additional features. Since im not too good at coding and we have little budget, we want to stick to mostly templates. So, what are the things I need and what are some good sites for professional templates. Take money out of the issue, educate me to the best of your ability on what kind of hosting is good, and what I need to make a professional, customizable site with templates. I saw that Inklings News uses cloud flare and some other sites, but im guessing there's is custom coded. You would be a lifesaver if you could provide me with some info on this stuff and how to make a gorgeous website. Please help, thanks!

I need a tape-recorder or something please help?

Go to Future Shop in your area, it has a very small pocket size digital recorder able to record up to 8 hours. It has a built in mic and runs with two AA cells. You can hide it in your pocket to record conversation as you like. Cost about $80 or lower . Copy the voice recording into computer via a cable from phone jack into sound card line-in. Then erase the recording memory and it gives back another 8 hours recording time.

Buying a used Ipod touch and need advice please?

If I buy a used Ipod touch, is there anything that could hinder me from being able to buy apps, or use the wifi? like if the previous owner had an account on it, would there account stop me from using/making my own on the device?

Who would like CoD to go back to WW2?

I agree. I've always found WW2 more interesting. Even if it has to be lacking in historical accuracy, it has always entertained me more than Modern Warfare.

Pretending to accidentally send a text to me?

i was on fb and a guy from my class said this to me " du hello,is this a person from *****(my school name)?? huh??" Then i decided to not say anything.After a while he said this"ooops wrong person i thought this was ***** ***(persons name) ..THen i was thinking in my head that he was doing all this on purpose cuz i searched the name of the person he said he though i was and turns out there is no such person as that name on his friends list.So what does this mean....??? did he rlly do it on accident or wat?

Customizable purity ring?

I want the ring to say "true love waits" and have a blue stone on it. I can't find a ring that has both those so I need to find one that you can personalize. (If you know where one is with both my criteria that's awesome.) Please no negative comments about my decision to wear a purity ring. Thanks.

Ex boyfriend trouble? how is he feeling?

Ex-boyfriend apologized to me after 3 months of not talking, we've been broken up for 7. Stares at me a lot an turns around to look at me. If I'm talking to someone near him, he looks over my face. He was sitting in my friends car and I told him to lower the music and he just looked at me and pretended not to hear me and kept smiling and we never broke eye contact until I looked away. He's constantly facing in my direction. He walked away, I sat in my friends car and he walked back over a few minutes later and he insisted on standing by the door that was right next to me. Afterward, I was sitting online and he randomly IMed me. He even apologized when he didn't answer. He had to sit next to me and we were touching each other and he didn't pull away. He was bored and tired one night but he stayed and hung out with a small group of us anyway. Out of the 5 of us, there was me, a girl who's dating his friend, someone he's not really close with and a kid he wouldn't just stay out to hang out with. He even re-added me on Facebook after he left. He IMed me again last night. What's he doing? 2 hours ago -4 days left to answer. Additional Details He also had the chance to make fun of me but then I looked up at him and he just didn't.

R&S Question: i want to?

a href=";_ylt=AleX5fUXnJumn8EzZCiaCcRYT31G;_ylv=3?qid=20110615145723AA1x8lD"…/a

Do you like halo reach multiplayer?

Yeah, it's okay. Although, I go through phases where I like Halo better and phases where I like Call of Duty better. Right now I am in my Halo phase.

Does he like me??????? Clues?

I have know this boy since my high school junior yr. He was a senior then. But now I graduated from high school and he's a college sophomore. I will be freshmen. He is Pakistani muslim. I am Sikh Indian. I send him a friend request on facebook and he accepted me. In high school he was in my class. He sometime looked at me in class. He looked at me in hallways I pretended not to look at him. On facebook he does not have any girls that are Indian only abt 3 american, rest are boys? I asked him why don't you add more girls to your list? HE SAID THAT HE DON'T THAT MANY GIRLS When i asked him his number he gave me it. I also gave him mine but he did not ask for it, but i don't have txting so i can't txt just chat him on facebook. I became friends with him in April 2011. We starting chatting in May 6 he chatted first with me, May 13 I chatted , May 20 he chatted , June 4 he chatted, June 20 i chatted, june 21 he told me to come tommorow to chat with him. I liked his 2 pics and he liked my whole album on facebook. I go to his wall sometimes and like his status,comments, and pictures, I don't everyday, but this month i went 3 times on his wall. I am kind of shy to ask him if he likes me? I think he will say NO because he is pakistani muslim. But then why did he accept my friend request on facebook. I am the only girl on his list. He chats with me for 1 or 2 hrs after 2 or 3 weeks! :)

I feel self conscious around new people?

I'm 17 + I've self conscience of my body and how i look. I'm not skinny + when i see skinny girls on music videos and on the street i get super jealous however i've tried to get a happy medium. I eat crap but i run 2 miles every other day. I'm only about 9 stone but that's still 2 stone heavier than what i'd like to be. The thing is you have to embrace your body. If you feel as if your not good enough join a fitness club they are fun, make-up can change the appearance , creams for the baggy eyes and good make-up hides those nasty imperfections. There is nose make-up also (: You'll get your confidence soon it just takes time to see your beautiful and skinny gorgeous girls aren't the only gorgeous girls.

Where is the best place to find customized DANCE team uniforms?

My JV dance team would like new uniforms. I was wondering where I could find cute, color customizable uniforms. I would prefer they not be just tops with hot shorts. Maybe cowgirl uniform or a top and skirt combo... Our colors are hunter green and black. Silver goes nice as well. Our varsity team has a silver sequin lapel and used to have pin stripes, so if we could stay with the theme that would be awesome! Please don't tell me algy, just for kix, or dance team usa, I know about them already. not either, they're not dance/drill, they're cheer leading. Thank you!!

Looking for the title of an old B&W movie?

It's about a man who was sent to prison after someone set him up. After he got out, he opened a store but he dressed as an old woman so that no one would know who he was. He had some kind of potion or powder that shrank people and he used it on a guy that was helping him kill who set him up. At the end, he met with his daughter - or maybe it was the guy his daughter was going to marry, can't remember for sure - on top of a building. He pretended to be a lawyer or something and gave her some money or a trust or something like that.

Does he like me and if so, When will he ask me out?

Okay, well, this boy in my class always talks to me on Facebook, and before summer he was always teasing me, but not mean, he always smiles when he talks to me, even when he's teasing, and it's not a mean smile. In my class him and his friend made up a game for all close friends called "Mexican Food Names" where every Mexican in the class (That we talk to) get a Mexican food name. Well, I was the first girl to play, he invited me, and unlike every other person, he picked my name. He wouldn't let me do it. Now, he's my friend on facebook, and every time he's on he is always the one that starts the conversation. And when we joke, I started giving him different names and he says he likes them. And if I forget one name or spell it wrong he pretends to be sad. Does he like me? And if so, do you think he'll ask me out soon? (I'm usually really good at giving this kind of advice, but this time I'm not sure.)

Song lyric help please!!!!!?

I need help with a rock song please. It sounds like a guy from nickelback, hinder, like the rock bands. I remember a lyric that was like don't turn your head from me. Its a rock song with a guy singing.

Buying Cheerleading uniforms online?

Hey im looking for a website where my team can get cheerleading uniforms at an average price, and customizable.. I mean like with their names and our school printed on them, and preferably american please! Thanks (: (and if you have any other suggestions please dont hesitate to say)

Should I pretend like nothing was said? ?

There's a boy i think is good looking, I don't really know him, but I spoke to him for about 20 minutes at a party the other weekend and he seems really nice!! I think one of my friends has told him I like him - which I don't think I do! Should I talk to him at lunch and act like nothing was said? I go away on a school trip on wednesday, then work experience the week after, then I have one week if school left, and I really want to get to know him better, become his friend, then see if I like him or not!! But I don't know how to go about doing this, I dont want to ask him to hang out! I just want to talk to him at school, but should I just go up to him? Ask him how he is and stuff? Please help! Thank you :)

Would a church help a pregnant teen, even if theyve never set foot in a church?

OF COURCE THE CHURCH WILL HELP, it does not matter to them what u have done, as long as u have faith in god they will help u in hard times

Does my cycle length and day of ovulation hinder conception?

I have a 35 day cycle and ovulated on day 21 of my cycle which left me with a 14 day luteal phase...I have heard that when it takes this long to uterine lining is older and less likely to invite implantation. Is this true? I got a positive ovulation test last month on CD 20 and we had sex all that week with no luck....could this be why?

Please i need help with paranoia and anxiety and life?

You need to relax and calm down I'm jus like u me and my gf are 17 were getting ready to gt married and she has lied to me In the past but I've forgiven her a million times over so think a out it would your husband want it if u were mulling over this wouldn't he want u to be happy he's forgiven you and now I've got a question fr u is it a good idea to gt married this young I want to talk to u bout it if u will plz email me at thanx but remember move on you'll do fine youll calm down jus relax z d breath listen to your heart and see that heforgives you

BHO gives G Soros the word he buys stock in the company that will drill in Brazil?

He hinders our drilling with permit change rules an gives his pals 2 billion of our money is jail good enough for this crook?

What is a Good rpg game that will actually grasp my attention?

I was going to tell you dragon age but you already have it, Fable is a good game I haven't played the 3rd one so I'm not sure how it is. I like the mass effect games but there more shooter/RPG and might be to furturistic for you. I got a buddy that says torchlight is good, its an arcade game get the demo and try it if you don't like it then no loss.

Can anyone give me some good information about mos 09s?

Hello, I'm 26 with 71 credit hours and have no unlawful tickets that will hinder joining the Kansas Army National Guard. What I'd like to ask is your personal experience joining O9s through the State option. I was told I would do BCT and then come back and drill with my guard unit until the summer OCS drills, will I be paid through BCT as an E3 and when will I be drilled through an interview to determine if I am Officer material, so you know I got what it takes but would just like to know what to expect. Appreciate you reading and comments. Thanks.

Alright, I need some pranks for those Door-To-Door preachers?

Put a witch on the front door with a sign "We support witchcraft" or something. xD I'm sure that would scare them away.

Have you ever met Jesus?

I seriously think I met Jesus today... I was at six flags and my idiot friend was telling me how a few days ago his leg was cramping and he fell to the floor. While he was telling me the story, my idiot friend was demonstrating what happened, and fell to the floor and his leg literally started cramping again! So out of nowhere this fellow with long hair and a beard comes and helps him out. He gently lifted his leg and told me "Hold his leg up like this." then my idiot friend said to him "I was just telling my buddy how this happened a few days ago." and The man said, "This is the manifestation of your story." and I thought "Who the hell says stuff like that?" So later my friend felt better and when he turned around to thank the guy, he was gone! So what do you think? did I meet Jesus or was that just some weirdo who spends his time pretending to be Jesus and helps out others in theme parks?

Opinions or ideas for assassin's creed 4?

I was thinking maybe specialized recruits- demolition, stealth, etc and make them more customizable (clothing, weapons). Also, a long campaign with better side missions, I liked the caterina missions in ac brotherhood but couldn't help feeling how short they were. Just wondering if anyone else had some ideas?

For those people who think ghost are real?? If not dont bother answering plz?

Do you believe ghost are just demons pretending to be people that we once knew?? Or is it just the people that dont understand those things saying that??

Should I keep my ''beauty mark'' or get it off?

Everyone is different, even if they're cute without moles. From all of what you typed, I'd say you're pretty concerned with it. I personally would get it removed, but I don't like the look of moles at all. If YOU like it, then YOU keep it. Don't try to please anyone but yourself or you'll regret it later.

HELP!!!!! Does he like me?

I have know this boy since my high school junior yr. He was a senior then. But now I graduated from high school and he's a college sophomore. I will be freshmen. He is Pakistani muslim. I am Sikh Indian. I send him a friend request on facebook and he accepted me. In high school he was in my class. He sometime looked at me in class. He looked at me in hallways I pretended not to look at him. On facebook he does not have any girls that are Indian only abt 3 american, rest are boys? I asked him why don't you add more girls to your list? HE SAID THAT HE DON'T THAT MANY GIRLS When i asked him his number he gave me it. I also gave him mine but he did not ask for it, but i don't have txting so i can't txt just chat him on facebook. I became friends with him in April 2011. We starting chatting in May 6 he chatted first with me, May 13 I chatted , May 20 he chatted , June 4 he chatted, June 20 i chatted, june 21 he told me to come tommorow to chat with him. I liked his 2 pics and he liked my whole album on facebook. I go to his wall sometimes and like his status,comments, and pictures, I don't everyday, but this month i went 3 times on his wall. I am kind of shy to ask him if he likes me? I think he will say NO because he is pakistani muslim. But then why did he accept my friend request on facebook. I am the only girl on his list. He chats with me for 1 or 2 hrs after 2 or 3 weeks! :)

Want to play Crysis 2 with my HD 5770 on my 32" LCD TV?

HD-MI wire would be the best way to hook it up,but you can use a VGA cord. It'll look fuzzy at 1st but thats only cause its frickin huge!! I've hooked up my 32in lcd with COD MW made my eyes hurt but then i was sitting 2 feet away

P90X Custom Workout Available?

Does the P90X workout have custom schedules for people who don't want to be super built but like lean muscle. Basically does the P90X turn everyone into the same body or are there certain customizable workouts included in order to obtain a different body? As a backup question, is there any workout out there that is better than the P90X and is faster say 2 months instead of 3?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

You are considering opening a kiosk in the mall that will sell customizable aprons. you need to borrow money?

from the bank to get the business estimate that you will need approximately 20,000, the bank would like you to prepare an estimated profit statement showing what the company are. you will pay $6 for the aprons and will sell them for $10. You estimate that you can sell1,000 aprons per month. the cost to customize the aprons will be $1 per apron. the cost of rent of the kiosk will be 500/month. utilities will be 200 per month. wagesof worker per month. calculate the estimated profit of your company for the first year of operation.

How do I get past being disqualified from the military?

To be honest, once the Armed Forces have decided that your not going to join - then quite simply your not going to join. Anyway you'll be better off asking this question to your doctor and to your recruitment sergeant

You are considering opening a kiosk in the mall that will sell customizable aprons. you need to borrow money?

from the bank to get the business started and estimate that you will need approximately $20,000. The bank would like you to prepare an estimated profit statement showing what the expectation of the paint and supplies company are. you will pay $6 for the aprons and will sell them for $10. You estimate that you can sell 1,000 aprons per month. the cost to customize the aprons will be $1 per apron. the cost of rent of the kiosk will be $500/month. utilities will be $200 per month. wages of workers will total $1,000 per month. a. calculate the estimated profit of your company for the first year of operation.

What sites are there for blogging? Which are the most customisable/popular? What one (in your opinion) is best?

In my opinion you'd be best off with tumblr it's a large community and everyone seems to be pretty nice it covers just about everything you might want to blog about and it's very easy to learn to use i hope this helps

I think he's cute! But does he like me. I am the only girl on his list?

I have know this boy since my high school junior yr. He was a senior then. But now I graduated from high school and he's a college sophomore. I will be freshmen. He is Pakistani muslim. I am Sikh Indian. I send him a friend request on facebook and he accepted me. In high school he was in my class. He sometime looked at me in class. He looked at me in hallways I pretended not to look at him. On facebook he does not have any girls that are Indian only abt 3 american, rest are boys? I asked him why don't you add more girls to your list? HE SAID THAT HE DON'T THAT MANY GIRLS When i asked him his number he gave me it. I also gave him mine but he did not ask for it, but i don't have txting so i can't txt just chat him on facebook. I became friends with him in April 2011. We starting chatting in May 6 he chatted first with me, May 13 I chatted , May 20 he chatted , June 4 he chatted, June 20 i chatted, june 21 he told me to come tommorow to chat with him. I liked his 2 pics and he liked my whole album on facebook. I go to his wall sometimes and like his status,comments, and pictures, I don't everyday, but this month i went 3 times on his wall. I am kind of shy to ask him if he likes me? I think he will say NO because he is pakistani muslim. But then why did he accept my friend request on facebook. I am the only girl on his list. He chats with me for 1 or 2 hrs after 2 or 3 weeks! :)

How can I deal with a family that hates me (Except my dad)?

I think you should consider living with your real dad. Staying at your house listening to suicidal music and cutting yourself is a horrible way to live. Make plans for your future (college/job/house) and do things to get closer to your goals. Work on taking care of yourself. You might also want to talk to a counselor to work on getting the anger out without cutting yourself or screaming at people. You can make your life so much better if you just decide to! I wish you all the best.

What phone should I get?

check out boost mobile they have android phones one of there nice ones is only 200$ they have no contract and run off the sprint network great coverage. the plan is only 50$ and goes down 5% every 6 months till you reach 35$ insane for an unlimited smartphone plan

Is this a good idea for a website? Will it be hard to make?

Honestly, the idea has been more or less done before, as you mentioned. But, if you are able to implement something unique and awesome, and people find out about it, anything can happen. Depending on how much content there is, it could be a massive coding project. Do you know PHP, HTML, JavaScript, Python? If not, it could be a lot harder. Otherwise, nothing is out of the realm of possibility.

Looking For A Good PC....?

I'm Looking For A Fast PC, Not Mac... Umm... I want it To Be Good For Gaming Eg High Res, Fast Speeds Etc.. But I Want It so I Can Add Or Modify it Whenever I Want and I'll Use It For Occasional Internet Browsing.. Looking For Something �500 or maybe A Little Bit Over? Nothing Under As I Don't Want Some Really Crappy One, So Over all... A Gaming Computer Around �500 Thats Fully Customizable... Any Ideas People? "/

LGB: Is it alright to touch your crush or should you be hesitant?

Yes it's okay, i do it all the time. It's a big sign someone is flirting. When I'm talking to her I'll usually brush my hand lightly on her arm. If i pass by her from the back and i'm facing her back i will put my hand on her shoulder blade or waist (if I'm lucky:))

Can I delete Achievements on Xbox Live?

I have some games on Xbox I only got one or two achievements for and I want to delete them and pretend I never played those games. How can I do that? Can I?

Do you think Yahoo should make their avatars more customizable?

I do. In fact, there is something wrong with the avatars now. They are not working right. I couldn't get one at all. I don't have a way to put pictures in there either.

Can anyone tell me some good bands?

My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Motley Crue, Iron Maiden, Misfits, Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabath. List can go on man......

Is it legal for people to marry pets?

I was playing pretend weddings the other day with my dog, just mucking around. But when I said my vows some people overheard us and said that they're now witnesses so our marriage is legally binding. Does anyone know if that's true? How do I get out of it? I love my dog but I don't want to be married to him.

Is college full of time wasting classes like high school is?

College is more customizable than high school, but it isn't completely. It also depends on where you go.This isn't true of all colleges, but many work like a business. The more classes they can get you to sign up for, the more money is made. I would start out at a community college if you aren't sure you want to commit to a costly university. See if college is for you.

Question about the army?

So when I was 12 my father passed away during service, say what you want about it but he was a good guy. Army ranger. I've always wanted to join but he always told me that I have to have physical strength which I do but my recruiter said that since I have bronchitis that it can hinder my abilities in endurance. I don't feel it when I run but it acts up a little when I get a cold but it really doesn't effect me but he said at meps they can cal me out on it and Iwill not be able to join. my recruiter is legit he's really trying to help me out but at the same time I feel like he's tryna push me away because of my bronchitis. Help?

Too Drunk to Remember the details of last night . I have an Attorney?

Right now I am following a police report to pretend I was aware. I have an OWI charge. The report says I gave a urine and I am going with that. Is this wise ? Anyway it beats not knowing what the hell was going on. The police officer happens to change the report much later to I refused a urine test. i am sticking with the first police report. he created his own mess. I don't even remember taking a urine but my laywer was going to investigate whoever urine they say was mine anyway. Maybe I took 1 maybe I didnt' I have no idea. I don't even remember them taking my property off of me. I was sent to the hospital. I don't even remember giving the nurse my urine but she said that i did once I woke up. Is there anyway that I may have been functioning yet forgot when I woke up what happened. I gave her a urine that I dont remember doing

My self cofindence has gone?

I used to be really confident through out primary school, i used to do as many activities as i can with people, speak to everyone without worrying what to say. But ever since my brother died, i feel all my confidence has gone completely, not just because he has died but he used to praise me, tell me how good i was, we had a very strong bond, i still find it very hard to imagine i'm never going to see him again. Also my best friend, she had literally no confidence what so ever! So i used to boost her up all the time, now she has more confidence than me, she has a perfect boyfriend, and way more friends than what i do! I'm not blaming her but i also feel all my confidence has been given to her, now she over shadows me. So socially i'm scared of opening up, speaking my opinion, standing up for myself, so pretty much getting out of my shell. I am scared of speaking to people, sometimes i feel i have to tell lies so they would want to have interest in me, because i feel if i just be myself than i'm going to be boring. Because of this, i tend to only speak to people that i feel comfortable with, or people that i don't know who doesn't know me, so i don't have to be the person i am at high school. It's really weird because you wouldn't think i do drama, i absolutely love acting, and when i'm acting i suddenly do get this rush of confidence, i think it's because i don't have to be me, i'm pretending to be someone else. Also sometimes when i look at myself i think i do look pretty, i buy the nicest clothes and do my makeup nicely. But other times i feel so disgusting, i pick out all my imperfections reminding myself that's why that boy doesn't like you..I know i'm only 15 but i haven't had a proper boyfriend, so haven't really kissed anyone. Even though i'm told im pretty, and that i could be a model, i just feel if i had a boyfriend than maybe i can start believing this complements.. I could go on further more, but this is a quick sum up on how I feel, i don't know whether this is an issue for me to see someone, or if there's anyway i could boost up my cofindence by myself? please help many thanks!!!

Apple iPhone 4 or Motorola Atrix 4G?

I currently have the iPhone 3Gs using 4.3.2. I want an iPhone 4, but I can't help but notice the Atrix 4G. I love the iPhone because of how simple and powerful it is, but I'm good with computers and hacking stuff and the Atrix would be perfect in lines of customization. iOS is not very customizable at all, while the Atrix is. I think I am somewhat of an Apple fan boy. Their store is close to us so it's easy for me to get excellent customer service--very nice! But the Atrix has THE best specs for AT&T phones and I really would like it BUT what would there be on the iPhone that I'd miss? Also, iPhone 5? My upgrade is three days before my birthday, July 26, perfect timing. Help me out with comparing iOS with Android on the Atrix. Voice commands for music and dialing? Remote buttons on headphones? Camera quality? GUI lags? Battery? Memory? App availability? Just help me out here. I want the best for my money. Also, my iPhone has installous--all apps for free. Is there something similar for Android? Can I get free tethering on Atrix? Thanks a million!

Is it possible to still feel really good and not consume enough calories.?

Trying to diet down 5 more pounds from 170 to 165. I've only been taking in about 1100 calories a day (also my only carb sours are vegetables). People are telling me that it may be hindering my weight loss, but I feel great and still have really good energy. Should I be taking in more calories?

Subaru WRX or Acura RSX Type-S?

I am looking into a new car, and have become stuck between 2 cars: the Subaru WRX and Acura RSX Type-S. I want a sporty car that is fun to drive and customizable. I am leaning towards the WRX because of its turbo and AWD. I am fully capable of driving stick and since I valet cars, I have driven both but cant decide which to get. Which one should I get, and for what reasons?

Frozen glasses, cups , or mugs?

you know the ones you put in the freezer and drink out of instead of using ice. my dad loves those! i want to get him one for fatjers day. maybe a #1 dad one, or a customizable one so i could put number 1 dad on it

How is Invader Zim "Evil" as some Christian groups call it?

I love Invader zim and johnny the homicidal maniac (both by Jhonen Vasquez) but i heard that a Christian parenting group was one of the driving forces behind Zim being canceled ,first many people told me that doing martial arts would send me to hell , now people are saying the same thing about me watching Zim and reading JTHM ,I'm a Christian and i understand that Zim and JTHM are dark , but they're funny too and they shed light on what's wrong in the world , a few times when i got depressed id watch Invader zim on DVD and i would feel a lot better at a time when prayer wasn't doing anything , so I'm just curious what is wrong wit loving zim and jthm and will that hinder me from getting into heaven or anything ?

Will having a history major hinder my ability to get into med school?

I'd still be taking the pre-med pre-requisites and some extra helpful classes like Biochemistry. I've thought of even minoring in Biochem.

How can I warn girls in UK & Ireland about a cheater / player?

A persons attitude says allot about them and thats what you have to look out for.People always talk about personality but never talk about attitude in relationships.Anybody can fake their personality but they cant fake how they really feel and that expresses itself through the attitude.You can really tell allot about a person by the things they say and the way they act.People might think swearing allot isnt a big deal but really its a reflection of how disrespectful the person is.You found out in the end when he showed his true colours but you could have known this by his swearing and avoided the hurt.You can even tell what a person is really like by the way they react to things.If they are a loving person or a hateful person.If somebody sits there and slags somebody of all the time or puts somebody down then thats juts a reflection of themselves.If somebody is positive all of the time and would prefer to compliment a person than put them down then that shows that they have allot of love inside and have good intentions.Do you see what i mean? The attitude can tell allot about a person and how they really feel.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What is the cheapest american muscel car out there?

One that is fast, good looking, can be fully customizable and tweaked from head to toe.......... And is not alot money.

Songs about liking another person when you're in a relationship?

Not about cheating or anything, but you know. Something similar to Lips of an Angel by Hinder or Broken Arrow by Pixie Lott.

Why Are People More Prone To Panic And Anxiety Attacks When They Are Tired And “Out Of It”?

I have noticed this in a few suffers of these conditions, the anxiety for whatever reason seems to increase when the person hasn’t had a good night sleep and/or has taken an antihistamine and is drowsy. Could it have something to do with the fatigue hindering the persons ability to fend off the persons fears?

Stay or break up - Please help?

You know that the best thing you could do for her is to let her go. You want me to put myself in your shoes, but what you need to do is put yourself in her shoes. Would you want to be lied to? Would you want the person you love the most to be hiding how they truly feel and have it possibly lead to cheating? No.. because then it will be more painful and longer to heal. So do it now, so she can move on faster the more you keep this from her the more of her life you will be wasting. And yours! Be friends...



Why is my New Betta Fish not doing anything?

when we had a beta fish, we put him by a mirror, but i dont think that really had any effect on him.. males dont really like other fish and they'll blow and puff up if they see one. he probably just needs time to adjust to his new home. and putting him in a little bit- little bit- of sunlight will probably help lighten his mood. what kind of water did you use? i know its not safe to use reg tap water, but use like purified water, you know, from the bottles or jugs. Good luck!

Does he like me???? I am the only girl on fb list?

You assume this guy likes you. You will only know if he REALLY likes you if he c0nfesses his feelings toward you.about being the "only" girl in his list, dont get carried away. You mentioned that there's an0ther girl always "likes" his status? Perhaps they have been sending each other messages.

Worried about majoring in Anthropology?

New blog just started on this very question. I am also searching for answers and helping others to do the same.

What sites can you use to make customizable t-shirts that will let you customize the entire shirt?

I've looked at a couple of sites, like cafepress and printfection, but none of the sites I've tried will let me customize the entire shirt. They only let me work with a section in the center. Does anyone know of any sites that let me have more freedom with t-shirt designs? Paying for this service is not out of the question, but free is preferred.

Do you think it is Fair for a fighter to hit on the break,and get away with it or is it all Fair?

Like hitting in the back of the head or the liver.If a fighters is holding you and it hinders you from performing.I say you have to keep hitting till he lets you go or the ref separates you.How do you feel about that style of fighting.Fair or unfair?

I need a broken/split love heart necklace (2 halves) for me and my girlfriend?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What is the best media player software?

I think at this moment it's AllPlayer. But if you are looking for internet player i found RealPlayer plugins are good, however i can't say if the best

Does the ipod shuffle have good sound and bass?

i have a samsung mp3 player (U5) and it has customizable eq settings. so it sounds just how i wanted it to be. then i have the sony cd player which is the best for sound and bass. i 'm going to buy an ipod nano (2GB Version) does it have good bass like a cd player and can it's eq be customized? thanks....

I. HATE. MACS. !!!!!!!!!!!?

Because people have different opinions and different needs. Secondly, you're trolling and spamming. Thirdly, your pros and cons are all subjective statements or misconceptions.

Give them a chance, and girls can talk talk talk talk ...?

haha.. its true im generalizing, but i love talkative girls. duno why. i just find them charming.. call me crazy :) .. i love girls who can rant endlessly and i just stare at them and pretend im listening . lol. no but sometimes, i get drawn into the conversation .. :P

Should I use sims 2 or sims 3 for movie making?

I want to make an amateur movie/cartoon but I'm not sure on which sims version i should use to make it, sims 2 is easier to deal with but sims 3 has alot of features, like customizable outfits and furniture and an open neighborhood, but it has also left out some sims 2 features and cheats... soo which one? Thank you in advance.

One beer every now and then?

I like to drink a beer every once in awhile, probably around twice a week. I eat healthy and exercise every day, so I'm just wondering if this is hindering my progress.

I have to have a fake "happy" dinner at Soup Plantation tomorrow. Blech!?

I know I'm not perfect in the least, but MY FAMILY...Let me tell u!! Actually, there's not enough time in the day or room on this thing to go into detail. I guess what I'm asking I guess, should I just pretend everythings great and be happy n stuff for my grandma? There is A LOT OF HOSTILITY in my family, and my grandma just says "say your prayers and ask God." yea, ok. Anyways..Just pretend? Thanx..I feel sick..blech!

What keyboard / arranger should I switch to?

I currently have a Roland Fantom S-88 workstation. I love all the sounds and sampling. But it honestly is a bit much for me. I'm an expert player but I'm more interested in recording songs as a hobby in my spare time. And this workstation honestly has way more features than even I would use. I want something that is pretty customizable but is more aimed at recording songs and not sampling and creating sounds. I also would like something with the same amount of sounds. I do prefer Roland and their great sampling but would also consider a Yamaha, something in the Motif line probably. Just thought I'd see what others might recommend checking into, thanks.

Lumix G2 vs G1 and others?

If I were you, I'd keep developing my skills on the DMC-F2. Then I'd start saving for a DSLR. Also, as soon as you can, take a photography course.

Why is Christianity and other religions still permitted to plague our society?

You mean, why are people with different beliefs than yours allowed to exist? Gee, I don't know. Maybe you should start another Holocaust...

Good first car? (has to be v6 or higher)?

im looking for a good first car (preferably used) under $7k. i have been looking at a mitsubishi 3000gt vr4 or grand prix gt. really anything with respectable gas mileage (17/23 mpg)and a v6 or higher engine. i would also like this car to be "easily customizable". thanks

Can I dye my hair an unnatural, out there color without it hindering my ability to get a job?

You already have to know that yes, it will make a difference. Unfortunately, the first thing we are judged on is are appearance. Of course it depends on the type of job you are applying for. While working in a tattoo parlor it would likely have no bearing whatsoever, but in 'corporate america' you have to be able to conform to the status quo. Maybe you could find something non permanent for the weekends that you could wash out during the week?

IS this Racist??? Need an Answer Now?

Pretend Bob was getting something from a store. While he was walking by a bunch of young Mexicans, he said "Asians Rule!" Is this Racist? Also give me a # from 1-10 from 1 not so racist and 10 extremely racist. This is a make-up story. Not trying to disgrace Mexicans. Bob is Asian :-L

What movie was it that a woman pretending to a little girl?

The woman was psychotic killer dwarf passing for a little girl. She was adopted by a couple with 2 children her daughter is deaf and she ends up killing her adopted father

Do you need a B in English to do History at A Level?

Hi I already do History at GCSE level and I'm positive I've got a B in it already, but I can only manage to get a C in English which might hinder the chance of me doing History at A Level, is this a correct assumption?

To what point do conservatives value environmental regulations?

I think you would be hard-pressed to find a conservative who is in favor of dumping raw sewage or dangerous chemicals into the drinking water, or shooting bald eagles, or emitting copious volumes of noxious smoke into the air. Those are common sense items about which all (or at least almost all) of us can agree. The problem arises when people who have never ventured further into the Great Outdoors than the city park where they attended the Save the Whales rally try to dictate land use regulation to those of us who are actually outdoorsmen. The problem arises when bunny-hugging zealots value owls more than they value the livelihoods of loggers and their families. The problem arises when those same bunny-huggers hinder attempts to bring electricity to the last few hillbillies who don't have it because the dam might harm the fricking snail darter.

Im in love with a straight boy?

Hey im 15 coming on 16 and i am gay and in the closet. at school there is a sweet, cute gd looking boy in most of my classes. ive started to fall in love with him. we've laughed and talked together. he always talks about girls and sex when with other mates and when hes with me he changes and acts all flirty with me. he even kissed me on the neck in the middle of class. i know on the outside he seems straight, but deep down inside he knows he isnt. he also always looks at me in class but pretends he isnt when he looks back. i love him. hes giving me signs that he likes me back.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Is it better to read the Song of Fire and Ice books before watching the HBO series?

Yes! The Books are 1 million times better than the TV series. No comparison. And in my own opinion I would recommend reading the first Book before you start on the second, because obviously they left out a lot of stuff and it will explain some situations/characters better then you could ever get from a TV show. And I really think you would enjoy it more since you watched season one. :)

Do people who are gay really think its easy being bi, don't you think we would be a missing link in sexuality?

Good for you. I am straight, but I feel that bi an gay people should have just as much rights as anybody else, they should be able to marry and raise kids if so desired, and they should have the right to live happy and peacefully without religious or other stupid judgment or persecution. We are pretty ignorance when it comes to sexual matters even in America.

Help me! My parents are too strict!!?

ask them if theyre serious, if thats not an option, evaluate how strict they are on it. i got a girlfriend last year, and i was supposed to wait until im 16.( im 14 now) i told them over texting and facebook, it made it easier for me to talk about feelings and whatnot. best of luck.

Do you know a website with frozen glasses?

you know the ones you put in the freezer and drink out of instead of using ice. my dad loves those! i want to get him one for fatjers day. maybe a #1 dad one, or a customizable one so i could put number 1 dad on it

Free forum engine to run on my website.?

I think phpBB is the best because of thei features and more customizable options... Also have a look on myBB...

What should my first car be?

I have around a 5000 dollar budget. i am looking for a nice looking car that will get me through my junior/senior life next year in high school. I keep on switching cars. at first i wanted a jeep wrangler lifted 4x4, then a ford ranger, then just a truck in general, now im into mitshubishi eclipses!!! These cars are awsome they are customizable. They also go pretty fast. Im looking at cars on craigslist so just give me some suggestions. please no girly cars i need a car that can get me girls not repell them

Should I get the HP Envy 14, HP Envy 17, or the HP Pavilion dv7t Quad Edition?

Any of those would be a great choice but, obviously, the Pavilion with its i7 Sandy Bridge processor and 6MB cache is the most powerful. $1099.99 is a real value for what you're getting. Go for it!

What was Jerry Lewis saying when he was pantomiming while pretending to be a boss?

In the 1961 movie "The Errand Boy," Jerry Lewis does a funny pantomime pretending that he is a big time authority figure. From what I could see, he says " and you" and "and me." However, I'm not sure about the rest. Did Jerry Lewis ever say in an interview what he was saying or is it just pantomime gibberish?

Flower delivery Website for Girlfriend- Reliable, customizable, cheap?

you might need a cheap flowers delivered quick website that can get your flowers delivered that same day or next.

Is there any f2p mmo where you can play as customizable monsters?

I was wanting a f2p mmo be it rpg where you can play as a monster in which you have control over how they look and what attacks they.

Lesbians: What is your take on VCH piercings?

I'm seriously considering this piercing. Is it a turn on or turn off? Does it enhance or hinder oral sex? Thanks!

I Need YOU! Yes YOU!! do you know what anime this might be?

lol sound like I seeen it ahhhh can't think man :D but sound sooo coool where they in a field of flowers? look at me asking a question in a answer :p

Will it hinder weight lose if 2oz peanut butter is used twice daily with fruit or veg?

I am on a new eating program where I eat 6 times a day. Sometimes I just grab and go with 2 oz of peanut butter and either 1/2 veg or fruit for my mid morning and mid afternoon snack. I was hoping this would not hinder the weight loss. I have lost 25 lbs in 2 months so far.

Where's a good place to customize your own t-shirt that ISN'T

I tried but their customizable options for font, spacing, boldness, etc. are limited to say the least. Any ideas?

She Obviously Doesn't Like Me? (10 points)?

woah! you are over thinking this. how bout try this, try to just have a simple easy conversation with her on campus in person maybe take advantage of one of those moments when she pretends to not see you, and make her see you. keep it casual and easy and don't apologize, idk what you would apologize for...

Anyone Else Graduated From Video Game Academy?

Sounds like you lost your drive. Just don't lose anymore passion in what you're interested in or else life will just seem so dull in every way. I'd hate for that to happen to anyone.

Will this look okay to admissions?

If I finish up my 120 credits for B.A. in June, and the graduate program I am interested in only starts in August, will I still be able to enroll even though I get my B.A. in August? Will it hinder my chances of getting in that I only received my B.A. less than two months prior to the beginning of class?

Woud you rather be forced to clean a filthy horse stall with bare hands, or eat a can of wet cat food?

Which one would you choose, and why? You HAVE to pick one; pretend you'd have to do both if you don;t!

Does anyone know where i can purchase a customizable Sackboy?

my girlfriend says that sackboy is " SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!" so i want to surprise her with a Customized Sackboy does anyone know where i can purchase one? a good qaulity one, not a cheap sock puppet lol! thanks for all ur help! much appreciated!!!

How can some stupid people think ghosts don't exist?

I mean, if they just watched one of those ghost shows, i.e: Ghost Hunters, Most Haunted, etc. They'd be scared out of their minds, and would see that there is solid proof that ghosts exist. Some people are just idiots who think the people in those shows are just pretending...

New computer build graphics issue.?

I build a computer the other day, a budget gaming rig. The parts are: AMD Phenom II x4 955, 4gb Kingston HyperX Blu, Seagate 250gb 7200rpm (just a spare drive I had), DiabloTek DA 600w, ASRock 870 Extreme3, Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and nVidia 8400gs PCI. The issue is with the graphics card. I have absolutely no intention of using this for long, a Radeon 6870 is in the mail, but as it's not working well now I'd like it fixed. What it's doing is pretending the video card has no drivers. I installed the drivers from nVidias site (195.62) and the nVidia Control Panel is apparently operational, I can switch screens and change settings, and even OC the card with RivaTuner. Aero even works, but there are these tiny things that point to it not working. In DXDiag, it says that it is running DirectX 11, when the card is DX10, and when you press Ctrl+Alt+Del, the screen draws from the top down rather slowly, and the in-game performance (or lack thereof :D ) is rather sloppy even for the 8400's usual s**tiness. What is it doing wrong? BTW my monitors are 1440x900 and 1920x1080.

Is stalking illegal online?

Suddenly your political stance and the reasoning process behind your questions becomes clear...quite clear.

I was sexually disturbing as a kid (warning disturbing content)?

Uh.... well we all do stupid things as a kid. All of us. Yours is a bit.... extreme, but that's okay. You got out of it.

How can our emotions blind our logic....?

It is said that never make decisions when we are too emotional.. Does being too emotional always hinder us from making important decisions...?

Cant get rid of high school experience?

Those were some bad teachers...My advice is to find a reliable friend that you can talk to knowing he will not betray you. Remember, not everyone is a ****** up person.

Do you think he likes me.?

have know this boy since my high school junior yr. He was a senior then. But now I graduated from high school and he's a college sophomore. I will be freshmen. He is Pakistani muslim. I am Sikh Indian. I send him a friend request on facebook and he accepted me. In high school he was in my class. He sometime looked at me in class. He looked at me in hallways I pretended not to look at him. On facebook he does not have any girls that are Indian only abt 3 american, rest are boys? I asked him why don't you add more girls to your list? HE SAID THAT HE DON'T THAT MANY GIRLS When i asked him his number he gave me it. I also gave him mine but he did not ask for it, but i don't have txting so i can't txt just chat him on facebook. I became friends with him in April 2011. We starting chatting in May 6 he chatted first with me, May 13 I chatted , May 20 he chatted , June 4 he chatted, June 20 i chatted, june 21 he told me to come tommorow to chat with him. I liked his 2 pics and he liked my whole album on facebook.. I am kind of shy to ask him if he likes me? I think he will say NO because he is pakistani muslim. But then why did he accept my friend request on facebook. I am the only girl on his list. He chats with me for 1 or 2 hrs after 2 or 3 weeks! :) I asked him why did he accept my request? I ask him I am your friend? He said yea. So I suppose he likes me? I will be joining college with him in 2 months. He is not gay. We talk abt college, cars,etc. I always start the topic when he chats.

Best DVD authoring program for TONS of small videos?

Hello, burn tons of small videos(60 10 minute videos) to a DL DVD disc with nice dvd menu, that's easy, I know RZ DVD Creator can do that well, it can fit all your requirements, with it you can easy to make a video dvd with nice dvd menu, like the professional video dvd bought from stores, it can customize the "Play All", "titles/video selection", "chapters/scenes selection" screens and buttons on dvd menu, can customize dvd menu background video, images, music, text, etc, it can fit/burn multiple videos to one video dvd, it can fit/burn large.long videos to one video dvd, and auto fit the size, it also can convert any videos to video dvd format and burn to any dvd disc(DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-R DL, DVD+R DL, etc) such as convert your tons of videos to one video dvd then burn to a DL DVD disc, easy to use, insert a DL DVD disc into your computer dvd burner drive, run RZ DVD Creator, select the dvd burner drive as the target folder, drag and drop all the videos into the software, if you view a message tip "Source DVD size is larger than CD/DVD disc capacity", simply press "Yes", then press MENU button to customize the dvd menu and enable the dvd menu, at last press START button, you will get a video DVD with the nice dvd menu, you can play the burned video dvd well on your DVD players, you could yahoo or google search and download RZ DVD Creator, hope it could help you.

Does he like me??? Confused?

have know this boy since my high school junior yr. He was a senior then. But now I graduated from high school and he's a college sophomore. I will be freshmen. He is Pakistani muslim. I am Sikh Indian. I send him a friend request on facebook and he accepted me. In high school he was in my class. He sometime looked at me in class. He looked at me in hallways I pretended not to look at him. On facebook he does not have any girls that are Indian only abt 3 american, rest are 90 boys? I asked him why don't you add more girls to your list? HE SAID THAT HE DON'T THAT MANY GIRLS When i asked him his number he gave me it. I also gave him mine but he did not ask for it, but i don't have txting so i can't txt just chat him on facebook. I became friends with him in April 2011. We starting chatting in May 6 he chatted first with me, May 13 I chatted , May 20 he chatted , June 4 he chatted, June 20 i chatted, june 21 he told me to come tommorow to chat with him. I liked his 2 pics and he liked my whole album on facebook.. I am kind of shy to ask him if he likes me? I think he will say NO because he is pakistani muslim. But then why did he accept my friend request on facebook. I am the only indian girl on his list. He chats with me for 1 or 2 hrs after 2 or 3 weeks! :) I asked him why did he accept my request? I ask him I am your friend? He said yea. So I suppose he likes me? I will be joining college with him in 2 months. He is not gay.

I can't seem to hit high notes on the French Horn?

I am not a fan of telling people to just change their embouchure but you have a big issue and you admit that you think your bad embouchure is the culprit. Unfortunately there is not a single "correct" embouchure that I can say do that and your playing will be fixed. You have to find one that fits your facial structure that allows you to play comfortably anything that you need to do, but it sounds like what you are doing now is not working for you. Playing slightly to one side is not normally much of an issue, as it actually helps some people. I would suggest finding a qualified horn teacher to help you figure out what embouchure is best for you and to help you make that transition.

Should I feel guilty? Am leaving my ex bf with the whole house to pay for but he can afford it,...?

First is your name on the house and/or utilities? If it is, your liable for half of the bills. If you are on any of these he can sue you for your part. If everything is in his name , your free and clear. Remember, what goes around comes around.

Should I share with him my pictures and add him as a friend on my new account?

why did you use another persons picture lol? you look fine! and if he only liked you for your looks, he's not a keeperrr.

Blank customizable laptop skin?

My sister and I are feeling really creative and we want to somehow decorate the top of my laptop. I know there are sleeves out there, and I know we could cover it up with stickers and stuff, but we want to make it nice and neat, so we're looking for a blank universal (or 15.6 screen acer) skin cover (in white or any other color) that is made especially to be customized. Does anyone know where we could find something similar?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Any petsites you'd reccomend?

Yeah, I'm a member of an embarrassing amount of petsites, so why not add another to the tally. I'd prefer if the community was half-way decent, the pets in question be somehow customizable, and access to the features that actually make it fun without needing to pay. Already aware of Neopets, Marapets, PetRPG, Wajas, Aywas, Icepets, and AMZ. Leave your referral link so you can profit.

What's the best website in the UK to purchase pre-built customizable computers ?

I am going to the UK, and will be purchasing a PC. Does anyone know of any good website that will pre-build the PC at a great price and are trustworthy besides cyberpowerpc uk ???

Is it just me or is sex way overrated?

I'm sure you'll feel different in a few years.....if not, I honestly think that theres something wrong. Get your hormone levels checked or something.

Any good for Gaming...?

Not especially. The 8600M GS isn't the fastest card around. It'll do okay, but not much beyond that.

Does he want to be friends or his he lying?

Are you actually saying you care what some random person you had sex with thinks about you. Your a better person than that just ignore this dishrag in real life.

Would a benzyl chloride ever undergo a SN2 reaction with a good nucleophile and appropriate solvent?

I'm not sure if I am supposed to look only at the carbon that the halide is attached to or the whole molecule. Since benzylic is very sterically hindered, but the carbon that the halogen is attached to is primary, I'm not sure if SN2 would occur in a situation like this. Would this be worse than trying to do a SN2 reaction with a tertiary carbon?

Is my mom cheating, or am i just being paranoid?

Well, it sorta all started out like a year ago. My dad had taken some private golf lessons and my mom, me, and my brother did too, when my dad suggested that he was good. Well, for some reason, my mom just got involved in talking with him. She would text him all the time, like everyday, and they haven't known each other for very long. He would always tell her his personal problems, and when she told me some of what he told her, she would always say,"Don't tell your dad." i would ask why, and she would, kinda hesitantly, say that he would think its weird, but for some reason i didn't believe her. And then one day i told her he had a Facebook. She acted sorta surprised and i guess happy. So she started getting onto Facebook a lot (and she used to never care about it). Now, when she gets on, she wont let me see what shes doing on there. She'll turn the phone away so i can't see, or she'll sit in a corner when shes on her phone. :( I need to know. I think i'm just being paranoid about it, but i wanna make sure. I don't wanna ask my dad if he noticed anything, cause i don't wanna make him worry. My mom once told me that dad had asked her to stop texting him, and she got sorta like annoyed. Not really mad, just....annoyed i guess. Ever since then she hasn't told me anything about him. Every once in a while she'll talk out loud and wonder if hes doing all right. Ugh....I'm so annoyed. Does she like him, cause she would never, not that i know of, call him or pretend to be somewhere else. I don't know. I think I'm just being paranoid?......

He hasnt contacted me after sex! Why?

Its been about a week since we had sex. We're just friends (and ex's) so it was kinda casual. But before he texted me every day. Anyway.. I thought maybe he was waiting for me to text him, so i did. And he cut my conversation kinda short when he said he wanted to sleep. Im not being clingy for his attention or anything.. I just donno if this is normal for men. Was he pretending to be my friend just for this? Or is he just shy?

Do you like halo reach multiplayer?

Yeah, it's okay. Although, I go through phases where I like Halo better and phases where I like Call of Duty better. Right now I am in my Halo phase.

Do vegetarians suffer mental problems ?

It seems alot of humans pretend to be vegetarian, and since mankind has been eating meat from stage 1 , why do people "choose" to be vegetarian ? and is it possible that it could cause problems with the brain due to a lack of essentials which we can find in all meats ?? it has become clear to me that vegetarians like to say something like , " it was a life form, i don't want to eat it", as if vegetarians are alot more concerned about life than meat-eaters, but its a well known fact that Adolf Hitler was a drug free, yes, drug free -> vegetarian.

Where do you buy fully customizable shirts?

I need it to be customizable to the point that even the tags inside of the shirt will have my logo. I have searched everywhere and cant find this.

A good mmo to play for a family?

Hey guys im looking for a good mmo to has to be enjoyable for my sister she likes good clothes on her character and i like cool armor there any games that has a highly customizable system. it has to be an mmo please!

What should I get? An HDD or an SSD?

I going to get a new computer soon, and I have a hard time deciding between a 1.5 TB Raid 0 performance HDD or a 512 GB Raid 0 performance SSD. I like the SSD because of its speed and usability, but I can't get over the fact that it has a limit on read/write cycles. The computer I'm going to get is an Alienware M17x, and I plan to use it specifically for gaming. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a There are the customizable options.

Meaning of this poem?

Well the beggining is giving me the idea that the writer is trying to say that history repeats itself, i have no clue about the rest tho the end makes me think that this was written by a native american

Why do guys think all girls gossip and be all frilly and girly?

My friend thinks that we paint our nails 24/7 that we talk about boys like "OMG (W.E) IS SOO CUTE" "IKR BUT I LIKE (W.E)" and that we play with barbies talk about shakespear and watchy sappy chick flicks. When in reality, most of us don't. Me and my friends draw wolves and dragons, play on the computer, play xbox and ps3, we say "dude I'm so hungry I need food but I'm too lazy to get back up" we sleep until 2-6 in the afternoon after staying up till 4 in the morning and we pretend we're dragons and wild animals that murder eachother. We also and we watch ghost adventures and paranormal challenge. Why do ALL guys. Think we do these stupid things?

In what city do you think the next Grand Theft Auto will be?

I am so waiting for the next GTA game since I didnt like GTA 4 that much. What I expect from Rockstar is surprises. For example, In GTA Vice City, I'm surprised by features like flying helicopter and buying houses and business. In San Andreas, I'm surprised by being able to swim and explore underwater, gaining health by eating food, customizable body (gym), clothes, and car. I count these features as surprise because people never thought of it until they saw it. GTA 4 didnt surprise me at all; graphics and gameplay improvement is too obvious to be in a newer game. Also GTA san andreas has various places with different themes (if you get bored in one place, a different place will cheer you up). In GTA 4, the entire place is a city that looks same everywhere and soon i ran out of things to do. The original GTA was set in Liberty city, Vice City, and San Andreas and its expansion pack was set in London. Since we have seen LC, VC and SA already in the following GTA, Im assuming the next GTA will be set in London, or may be the futuristic fictious city where GTA 2 was set. What city do you guys think it will be set in? And please state why you think it will be set in the city you think?

Why is their a lack of initiations into adulthood in America?

America doesn't have a culture that reaches back to tribal traditions, so we lack a lot of the variations of culture you see in Asia.

Motorola Xoom or Samsung Galaxy Tab?

well yeah android devices are the main demand now a days in technology market. Now its more about android and least about the brand of the hardware so, i would suggest you to not spend a big amount for buying android tablet. There are number quality manufacturing companies, producing finest android devices including Google TV and Tablet Pc. It was a bit risky decision but i thought to give it a try and it really worked. The Tablet pc i am using is manufactured by Ozitechnology which a Hong Kong based android devices company and i find nothing bad about it. So, search a bit more and you get get quality tablet pc at cheap price.

How do you like the Law Minister Moiley's condemnation of Gujarath govt for...?

Moily is a congress mouth piece vilifying Gujarat Government.Congress is losing face all over india so they are on a smear compaign.Do not pay much attention to the stooges of the dynasty.

Do you like any of my tattoo ideas?

Personally, i would get "Fearless" just because 1) it's big, easy to read, and won't become illegible over time and 2) i think you would regret it the least. Idk, that's just my opinion...

I had a dreamed that aliens called tinker toys tried to eat me and they were Sicilian whats it mean ?

Dreams are made by the brain when you don't want to use it. It has fun with its store of knowledge and power of invention. It has nothing to do with waking life.

I have an idea for guys who get erection in bed and can not sleep, can someone give me constructive criticism?

What I am addressing effects hundreds of millions of men might even in the billions:here is the situation: since men pass through puberty we get annoying reoccurring erections while going to sleep which in turn hinders our sleep because you have your penis erected and it hurts if you turn on it while in bed; so guys do 3 things to fix this mostly daily problem: 1) they relieve themselves through ejaculation. 2) We get out of bed until the erection calms down. 3) we sleep sideways because if we sleep on our stomach it really hurts if you have erection. I always wanted to fix this problem for myself and in turn fix it for hundreds of millions of men and teenagers. My Solution is to create customer made Mattresses: where when a man or a boy gets an erection he does not have to do one of the 3 things I mentioned; this customized Mattress has holes in it: when a man or a boy sleeping and they get an erection: all they have to do is open one of these holes in the Mattress stick their penis in their until it relaxes. I would pay $1000 if I can go to bed sleeping in my stomach but not worried about my erection because my penis has all the freedom through this hole. This Mattress would be selling millions if it is accepted as solving a major concern that effect Men and Teenagers daily: what do you think?

How do you tell someone how you feel?

Its easy, just tell the person how you feel. Extra bonus if you tell the person how you feel face to face. Its kinda nerve-racking but the guy would love u so much more in the future

In your opinion, am I too young and naive to make this decision at 17?

If you get married, you will have a husband to deal with this topic. Children are not created by one person. It is a team thing, like a duet. You are not to young to make this decision. You are just missing the other half of you that will help complete this decision. And we both know, mistakes happen.

He's giving me mixed signals? Help?

he regrets breaking up with you i think he wants to get back with you but AFTER 3 MONTHS i think his planning to do something maybe take revenge or put you in trouble becoz if his making fun of you then i THINK (NOT SURE) he is planning something.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Should I give up on her?

just make your move already, obviioulsy she wants you and shes trying to make you jealous which girls usually do because their friends told them its a good way to get the guy to make a move. just kiss her dude, the worst that could happen is she tell you she doesnt feel that way, then you just know shes a ***** whose annoying you. thanks for commenting on my thing although it was rude, hope i helped

Whats this song?it sounds like hinder or buck cherry?

its new...all i could make out was "and i never thought that i" then "here i am here i am"

I am the only girl on his fb list. Does he like me?

I have know this boy since my high school junior yr. He was a senior then. But now I graduated from high school and he's a college sophomore. I will be freshmen. He is Pakistani muslim. I am Sikh Indian. I send him a friend request on facebook and he accepted me. In high school he was in my class. He sometime looked at me in class. He looked at me in hallways I pretended not to look at him. On facebook he does not have any girls that are Indian only abt 3 american, rest are boys? I asked him why don't you add more girls to your list? HE SAID THAT HE DON'T THAT MANY GIRLS When i asked him his number he gave me it. I also gave him mine but he did not ask for it, but i don't have txting so i can't txt just chat him on facebook. I became friends with him in April 2011. We starting chatting in May 6 he chatted first with me, May 13 I chatted , May 20 he chatted , June 4 he chatted, June 20 i chatted, june 21 he told me to come tommorow to chat with him. I liked his 2 pics and he liked my whole album on facebook.. I am kind of shy to ask him if he likes me? I think he will say NO because he is pakistani muslim. But then why did he accept my friend request on facebook. I am the only girl on his list. He chats with me for 1 or 2 hrs after 2 or 3 weeks! :) I asked him why did he accept my request? I ask him I am your friend? He said yea. So I suppose he likes me? I will be joining college with him in 2 months. He is not gay.

Why do they do this to me?

Three guys I've liked have done the same exact thing: played me. All three of them are straight, but they pretend to flirt with me just because they know I like them. Why do they do this? Is it to make themselves feel better or what?

Map of how to get to lets pretend in saints row 2?

"Let's Pretend" doesn't exist in Saints Row 2, only Saints Row 3. If you wanna look fancy, go to "Branded" or "Impressions". If you want to look more like a gangster, go to "On The Rag" or "Sloppy Seconds".

Do I have a mental problem?

Holy crap. You sound exactly like me. I'm a 15 year old guy. I talk to myself in my head, as if my body is someone and my personality is someone else. Like I'll say to myself, "did you see that?" Lol, I'm kind of joking but I do it daily. I don't like talking much at all and am very quiet. I think things that people think are funny or interesting aren't in a lot of cases, like what you said about tripping and stuff. All of my friends think I'm hilarious and I think it's ridiculous when you do something funny like make a weird face and someone asks you to do it again just because it made them laugh. I've been depressed. And I am the same way for the most part about the TV thing. I'm not super social and don't talk a lot like I said, a lot of times people annoy me with things they do that other people would think is normal, one of my friend asks a lot of questions, and not being a big talker I find him really annoying sometimes. Anyway. Just wanted to let you know I'm with you, lol. I'm the most laid back, friendly guy ever and I do all that stuff. I think your fine :D. (also considered gifted (smart))

Can I do sit-ups, pushups, and pull-ups every day?

I'm a 17-y/o male, 6'3", at about 150 lbs. I'm trying to fill out muscularly. I'm doing an arm, chest, and oblique workout every other day. Can I do sit-ups, pushups, and pull-ups even on non-workout days? I wanted to do them every morning and every night. If it hinders muscular growth, I will not do them every day.

Do you think it is ever possible to lift the world population out of extreme poverty without hindering others?

It can be done but not by not hindering someone but it could be done by hindering the minority -the obscenely wealthy

If homosexuality is wrong?

why has it been around since before christianity and judaism was invented? i mean look at great people from the past, julius Caesar was rumoured to be gay "Caesar may have conquered the Gauls, but Nicomedes conquered Caesar". alexander the great was gay, homosexuality in ancient greece was something that was admired, in ancient china homosexuality was very accepted, in african tribes there was homosexual behaviour that was not slandered or hindered, and the native american also had homosexual behaviour, the only time homosexuality has been "wrong" is when these silly religions put their noses in, why do they get to decide whats right and wrong when in the past, sex was between men, and women were only to have children, i'm not saying we do that now, but we shouldn't act like homosexuality is a horrible thing, children commit suicide because of this, if you are strongly against homosexuality, you too have blood on your hands.

Urban Massive Multiplayer Online Shooter?

There is but one recent one, APB includes fully customizable everything (except for weapons) and is online cops vs criminals.

Diabetes symptoms but not diabetes?

Ever since March, I've just been having a horrible time with different issues going on. It's June now & my 21st birthday is coming up in a couple weeks & I'm just ready for things to get better so I can enjoy being young but so many things are hindering me. Different ailments have been going on... constant heartburn (still dealing with the heartburn & limited on what I can eat), hungry all the time, tingling in legs & arms, warm sensations, I've had times where my legs or arms started throbbing while eating. The tingling & throbbing has stopped but now the past couple of days I've been getting headaches throughout the day, sometimes after eating. I don't know what to contribute to these things. I've been to the doctor, and he says that I'm not diabetic but why am I having these symptoms? I've checked my blood sugar myself in the morning on Tuesday before eating & it said 76. I've also been battling terrible terrible stress & anxiety and even stressed out while eating because of everything that's going on. I just want to be better, what could be going on?

Can i keep my guitar outside for a week and it still be perfect?

The moisture and humanity and cause the wood in the guitar to swell and can cause adverse affects in playing.I wouldn't risk it.

Regarding the requirement of proof of house and lot and business ownership, do they have to be in your name?

or can it be in the name of your parents? I would like to apply for the Provincial Nominee Program but I do not own a house and lot nor a business. But I do have a joint bank account and my own vehicle. Would lack of ownership of a house and lot and business hinder my application, if I were to apply for PNP? Please help. I would very much appreciate any comments or suggestions regarding this matter. Thank you.

Best customisable laptops!?

Well graphics is tricky as most laptops have them built onto the motherboard, all laptops can have disk, ram etc updated, the only 2 i am aware of is Alieware, and some dell models, hope this helps some.

I was in the Army and got chaptered do I have to?

Tell an employer the exact reason I was discharged, legally do I have to? I got an honorable discharge and it reads on my discharge papers reasone for discharge a condition not a disability I think that would be enuf by it's self but do I haver to legally tell them the exact reason if they ask, It's nothing that would hinder my job perfermance.

Help with daily programs in the lastest Ubuntu?

Just a few comments: Burner: Brasero. Forget about everything else. Brasero is all you need. Movies. VLC is available. Check your repositories. Music: on slackware I use xmms. Mplayer which is a video program will play a lot of it though. Instant messaging. Euhh. Sorry. I don't chat with people.

My Mums having an affair.....Help?

I think my mums having an affair,shes had one before and just expects to be forgiven if caught out.I love her but she is really selfish! My dad is a good person and he doesnt deserve this.They have been married for bout 15 years.I dont know if she is bored or something?she pretends she loves him to his face but i know she doesnt.He's obviously oblivious.Right well now - My mum has been texting this guy,they say all sorts of kinky things to each other and they have weird nicknames They send pictures to each other and all that.Once i went on her laptop and there was - I will be a good girl and not piss off my master.(She calls him the master on her phone) She is EXTREMLY protectiv eof her phone to avoid detection but when she is drunk i have a wee look.She also said - If i didnt have kids then i would run away,And she told him shes had an affair before.Me and my sister are worried and not sure what to do !!!!!!

Is timing sex every other day really only important during your fertile week of ovulation or the entire month?

Just don't really see how having sex often or really at all would hinder or help you getting pregnant other than sex during the fertile time when and only when you can get pregnant, am i right??

Westerners know nothing about Asia but why do they pretend to know everything about it?

your obviously very opinionated. why is it that easterners assume so much crap about americans? everyone has their own opinions in life and many people assume, it has nothing to do with americans, your making generalization on more than 400,000,000 people

Where do you buy fully customizable shirts?

I need them to customizable to the point that the labels have my logo. I have looked everywhere and can find nothing.

Should we get rid of public schools run by the government?

Agree! Everything the government touches is a failure. Privatize education and everyone is held accountable, i.e, administration, teachers, parents and students

Comic creator for windows (or online)?

Free. No choice there. Multiple pages. Japanese compatible. Picture import or large character library. Windows/Web app. Different formats on each page. Customizable layouts, if possible. Ugly-looking program fine. Thanks.

Okay i rlly need advice even though this isnt completely about pregnancy? someone plz help!?

You have EVERY right to be upset. I understand they are your husband brothers, bit at some point he needs to realize that his unborn child is more important. Try sitting down and having a long talk with him about how you are feeling and then maybe have a family meeting, and set some bounderies.. im sorry hunny...feel free to swing me an email jessiloug at

I'm confused, should I stay with him? (PLEASE READ)?

of course this is confusing for you, i used to be in that situation. first off, if your first boyfriend loves you, he should respect you without cursing and realize you've been with him regardless of his immature actions. Even though hes going through a challenging stage, i think its time for you to be with someone healthier, someone who fills in those holes that your boyfriend currently hasn't. If you love your best friend, and you believe he is your soul mate, then go with it, you cant be with someone because you feel bad for him and he is sucking the energy out of you. follow your heart even if it would hurt a lot. Good will come out of the right choices you make. :) so basically go with your best friend because he makes you happy and loved. :) wish you luck

Have you ever met Jesus?

I seriously think I met Jesus today... I was at six flags and my idiot friend was telling me how a few days ago his leg was cramping and he fell to the floor. While he was telling me the story, my idiot friend was demonstrating what happened, and fell to the floor and his leg literally started cramping again! So out of nowhere this fellow with long hair and a beard comes and helps him out. He gently lifted his leg and told me "Hold his leg up like this." then my idiot friend said to him "I was just telling my buddy how this happened a few days ago." and The man said, "This is the manifestation of your story." and I thought "Who the hell says stuff like that?" So later my friend felt better and when he turned around to thank the guy, he was gone! So what do you think? did I meet Jesus or was that just some weirdo who spends his time pretending to be Jesus and helps out others in theme parks?

Why do people try to hinder barak hussein obama ii from doing his job, saving the country and the world?

if he didn't have to deal with the senate, congress, Constitution, laws and other trifle things, we would all be happy right now and living the dream.

Would you call me young and naive for making such a decision at 17?

I think it's good to have goals, and you have some pretty good ones! It's not silly to plan ahead but things might happen like you meet someone and you want to have kids, the decisions you make today are not set in stone.

I don't understand. Why do I do this?

Eh, could be a gift, could be a curse. Maybe u'd make a good actor. Also it shows you're open minded and can see things from different points of view... putting yourself in someone else's shoes in other words. In another sense it could mean you're not comfortable enough with who you are to where you're trying to wear other peoples' personalities to mask your own. Maybe you really just like role play.

Where to buy Customizable Dog Tag Necklaces in Toronto?

So I wanted to buy a customizable dog tags where you could put ur name and stuff as a gift. The thing is that i don't know where exactly to buy them and they shouldn't cost more than $60. I want to buy them in stores and not online. I mostly found those engravable ones but they're all like with diamonds and stuff. If anyone could give me store names where I could buy one. Thanks a lot and I will appreciate it :)

Pick up a good looking girl from facebook? Please read description.?

I'm 16, 6', short dirty blonde hair, good body, in advanced classes, with mild acne and straight white teeth. And I dress either prep, athletic, or western throughout each week, I'm sort of popular, but I don;t go to parties because I don't drink or smoke. Plus I drive an old school muscle car, If any of that helps you picture me. And I usually can get girls pretty easy, but they've never been that pretty to be honest, or I'd find a reason to break up with them. But I'm afraid cause of me dating literally over 30 in the passed 2 years, has hindered me from obtaining a gorgeous girl. Not saying that looks are everything, but it'd be nice for once to have a good lookin girl, and I promise you I'd keep her for a long time. But I was on my friend's facebook last night, and he got 3 hot chicks' #'s! When I talk to girls I usually put "haha"'s or ":)" he doesn't, he sounds sooooo boring, it's like 2 words and a period, and they start flirting. Idk if it's 'cause he plays a varsity sport, or what, but it just makes me soooo aangryhow he can get so hot of a girl. And I've had tons of girls say I was cuter than him. I just want some tips to like talk to some random girl, and get her to fall, but not like completely fall, just to were we start "talking". I just don't wanna come across as a man whore or creeper. I know it seems weird to do it over facebook, but in person I'm totally shy, so I have to get to know them so I'm more prepared to talk when we actually meet in person. And also so no awkward moments pop up. I just want a good looking girl that'll actually like me.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Brother acting strange? never been violent?

Does anyone else no about this? or just you? I think you should have done something The next time you are hanging out with your brother's wife you should ask her about it nd talk to her about it. That is an abusive relationship and she could get seriously hurt from it.

Need some singing tips?

Ok so im an amateur singer. i would like to know what is a healthy amount of practice per day for someone starting out singing, does humming scales count as voice exercise?? sometimes im humming and doing voice exercises all day at work and i get a sore throat. also i work in a rubbish recycling plant which gets dusty sometimes, is this hindering my voice??

Difficulty swallowing saliva?

i was looking at other questions like this and i dont know if im experienceing the same exact problem and none of the answers given seemed like it could help me. ive had difficulty swallowing saliva for as long as i can remember it didnt stay for a couple days and go it could happen alot one day and not the other i noticed people saying they have alot of mucus in their throat i do have this problem but that doesnt have to do with my swallowing because i already can't swallow when i do get alot of mucus its thick, uncomfortable and right at the back. i have no difficulting drinking or eating just not spit. ive also read about someone who drinks water to help and an answer saying thats good but if that persons like me you end im drinking so much your stomach hurts and you always gotta urinate ive read causes like stress, (i dont really think im stress) certain meds (im not taking any meds just ocassionally a pain reliever or allergy relief) and just thinking about it to much (i dont start thinking about it untill about the second unsuccesful swallow) i have no pain in my chest or esophogus but my throat muscles get sore after a while of unsuccessful swallowing. it doesnt feel like theres a blockage or pain in the neck section i just cant seem to force it down. i dont know if the other people haveing a problem like this cant do it at all i can do it i just have to try several times. so if you think your haveing the same problem or think you you can give me an answer i havent seen please respond thank you sorry i read a few more questions before submitting this so i got more details i dont have excess salvia if anything my mouth will be dry but not my throat and i have this problem sometimes even when my mouth is dry also i read someones saying they felt that that their throat would clamp shut i feel the throat muscles contracting but not clamped shut. also this doesnt hinder my breathing at all i havent reread this so i dont know if im repeating myself but ive had no surgery or been on any meds in years (well i forgot to say i occasionally have to use a rescue inhaler for asthma) im just trying to get a lot of details but it seems like im rambling so basically im asking 1. If anys experienceing the same problem? 2. Anyone can give me a cause or simple treatment? (i havent and will not go to the doctors for this so please dont suggest that i have no health insurance and i will only go to the doctors if i think im dieing and this is more of an annoyance than life threatening) thanks again

What Tablet is best for a college student?

I am currently torn between the ipad 2 and the motorola xoom, although I will admit I haven't looked into the other options available. I want something light and portable for class that I can take notes on, edit word documents, and edit powerpoint presentations. Looking at PDF files is also a must. I have an ipod touch 2nd gen so I have a ton of apps (I am not sure if they will work on the ipad 2 though). Also, I have a netflix account and I have been told that instant netfilix doesn't work on the xoom? I like the customizable capabilities of the xoom but I do like the feel of the ipad 2. I know Flash isnt available on the ipad but is it really that important? Does anyone have an opinion to which is best suited for my purposes? (My price range is at max $600 and I will only get the WIFI version). Thank you!

I think he still likes me :))?

decided 2 pass through the house of a boy that i liked so much, that asked me out but i said no, let me just cut the story short i fought he used me after words..when i got 2 his 2day he couldn't take his eyes off me, keep on smiling and doing stuff to get my attention, but i pretended that i didnt notice.. when i got home i shared a link just 2 me saying am all his got, ( cos he blocked me from facebook so i had 2 open a fake account, n he knew it was me still, that was y he sent the song on his will making sure i was the only i that could see it) i then told my bestfrnd 2 tell him 2 stop trying, he then decided 2 talk 2 me on facebook but i stil kept on saying i dont know him.then the song he put on his wall 4 just me 2 see, he the went and tag his gf's name on the song.. i think he still likes me WOT DO U THINK?

What music do you think i should listen to?

Are you trying to look like you have music taste now? Why don't you try listening to Punk Rock or Disco... Then we'll see if you still want to hear new music.

Which computer would be the better buy?

The first one has a better graphics chip while the second has a quad core processor. However, most software doesn't use more than two cores well so I'd probably go for the first one. If I could get the first with a quad core i5 then it'd be no contest. Also the i5 cores are better than the Athlon II cores.

I have an idea for guys who get erection in bed and can not sleep, can someone give me constructive criticism?

What I am addressing effects hundreds of millions of men might even in the billions:here is the situation: since men pass through puberty we get annoying reoccurring erections while going to sleep which in turn hinders our sleep because you have your penis erected and it hurts if you turn on it while in bed; so guys do 3 things to fix this mostly daily problem: 1) they relieve themselves through ejaculation. 2) We get out of bed until the erection calms down. 3) we sleep sideways because if we sleep on our stomach it really hurts if you have erection. I always wanted to fix this problem for myself and in turn fix it for hundreds of millions of men and teenagers. My Solution is to create customer made Mattresses: where when a man or a boy gets an erection he does not have to do one of the 3 things I mentioned; this customized Mattress has holes in it: when a man or a boy sleeping and they get an erection: all they have to do is open one of these holes in the Mattress stick their penis in their until it relaxes. I would pay $1000 if I can go to bed sleeping in my stomach but not worried about my erection because my penis has all the freedom through this hole. This Mattress would be selling millions if it is accepted as solving a major concern that effect Men and Teenagers daily: what do you think?

What is a good help desk for google apps?

I'm looking for a help desk that works with google apps. Preferably something that's user friendly and customizable. Thanks!

Why does the brat at my school get her way?

Ok so theres this stuiped little brat at my school who always gets her way! So if she forgets her homework she doesn't miss recess! Me and everyone else we have to loose recess! Luckly, she not in my class next year, but she stole all my friends they are all brats now! So on the last day of school we were watching a movie! And her and her annoying friend were asking out guys! When, we just got out of 4th grade! So I said can you guys please stop talking! I can't here the movie so her little annoying friend said turn around! And then i said maybe i dont wanna turn around! So the brat is like turn around now! And im like shut up now! So then shes like im telling on you! Then i said what are you?5? and shes like your so immanture! then i just laughed and turned around. So later, they were talking about justin beiber (still during the movie) and then im like justin beiber wheres lipstick! and then the brat is like since when did YOU become apart of this conversation? and then her freind said the same thing! so i said well i cant hear the movie so i have to listen to you just like everybody else in this gym! and their like look we can talk when we want! so then they use MY comeback and there like its a free country like you say! so im like yes yes it is! so everybody was watching us! and then i said it IS a free country so that means.... i stopped myself. because i had a plan! So then when the movie was over and everyone stood up i said yes it IS a free country so that means i can do this! And i pants her! everyone was laughing! and i just smiled at her! so then later she tryed to [ants me! so i ran away from her and shes like let me pants you! so wat i did was i pretend to fall so then i pants her again AND her stuiped friend! THAT time i got my way! but all the other times she does! her dad takes them on vactions 5 times a YEAR! and she has all this stuff she does everything I want to do! I deserve that NOT her!

I have an idea for guys who get erection in bed and can not sleep, can someone give me constructive criticism?

What I am addressing effects hundreds of millions of men might even in the billions:here is the situation: since men pass through puberty we get annoying reoccurring erections while going to sleep which in turn hinders our sleep because you have your penis erected and it hurts if you turn on it while in bed; so guys do 3 things to fix this mostly daily problem: 1) they relieve themselves through ejaculation. 2) We get out of bed until the erection calms down. 3) we sleep sideways because if we sleep on our stomach it really hurts if you have erection. I always wanted to fix this problem for myself and in turn fix it for hundreds of millions of men and teenagers. My Solution is to create customer made Mattresses: where when a man or a boy gets an erection he does not have to do one of the 3 things I mentioned; this customized Mattress has holes in it: when a man or a boy sleeping and they get an erection: all they have to do is open one of these holes in the Mattress stick their penis in their until it relaxes. I would pay $1000 if I can go to bed sleeping in my stomach but not worried about my erection because my penis has all the freedom through this hole. This Mattress would be selling millions if it is accepted as solving a major concern that effect Men and Teenagers daily: what do you think?

Periods of extreme exhaustion and increased body heat?

What can be the cause of this? Every once in awhile I go weeks where no matter how much I sleep I feel like I've been up for days and have difficulty staying up. I'm also always hot during this time and sweat even when I'm under the A\C. This has been going on and off for years now and it's really hindering my life. I make plans and get plenty of sleep but I end up sleeping through stuff. I really wish for a remedy for this.

What are good stretching exercises to do for my golf swing to balance out my muscle growth?

I have started working out again after several years. The reason I stopped was because my muscle growth especially in my chest hindered my golf swing. Now that I have stared back, I need suggestions on stretches to counter that growth and keep my swing fluid and less mechanical. I try to stay away from chest exercises but I still need to firm up that area,

10 points to best answer !!!!!?

I met this guy a while ago and I started to really like him so we dated.But, later we got into a fight and I was crying after he said he didn't care about me anymore but i still love him SOOOOOO much.Right now he is dating another girl and pretends like I'm not there...He completely ignores me. I don't think he know how much I miss him!!!! I really want to get over him and I don't want to love him but I do! Am I ever going to get over him?what should I do?

Why did he pretend to be a good friend but wasnt ?

i really like a guy ive known 3 years. he knows this but said if we dated it would ruin our friendship. when we're around others he blanks me but alone he talks. he used to be very caring but has become abrupt and cocky. he puts it down to some trauma he had which i helped him through. aside liking him ive been a very good friend to him and helped him with money and work but he doesnt appreciate this and spends more time on the people who dont care. also he says he chats to other girls and know it causes a reaction-why does he do this. ive gone from knowing him very well to not at all. he lies aswell and this is wrong but ive seen his emails as he asked me to fix his cv and hes been lying about loads which is upsetting i was wrong for looking but glad i did why has he changed so much ? also why has he made me feel inadequate and like a stalker ? he was happy to chat loads before but has since finished his use of me :(

Where can I order customizable shot glasses?

I want to order customized shot glasses for my friends as a fun graduation present, but everywhere I look has either too high a minimum quantity (I'm getting about 20) or ridiculous shipping to Hawaii. Is there a place with cheap shipping and no minimum amount that does custom shot glasses? Just plain clear 1-1.5 oz glasses. (Not likely, but if anyone knows a place in Hawaii that would be great.)

A free online personal trainer?

Okay, I visted the other two answers and didn't like either of them. So, I did a little reasearch on your question and found a result that I like and have signed up for. It is called My Home Personal Trainer. I think it will have everything you are looking for and more. Hope I helped.

My girlfriend wants to pretend that my son doesn't exist.?

You shouldn't be dating someone who wants to pretend your son doesn't exist. That's her hang up - not yours. It's good that you recognize this now and move on because I don't think she'll get over it. Just tell her that that since she would rather pretend your son doesn't exist it' probably best for all of you if you don't see each other anymore. Then be open to meeting other women who would be more welcoming of your son.

Does Anybody else have problems with their Father?

a lot of people these days seem to have problems with fathers, I have ongoing problems with mine. But sounds like you are happy with the rest of your life so don't let those memories hold you back

Which should I buy? A Maverick 88 12ga or a H&R pardner pump?

I am buying my first shotgun and I am split between these two. I am looking for something reliable, durable, and customizable. I would buy the 88 but my friend is selling his Pardner for $150. It's not as customizable as the 88 but for that price should I suck it up and deal with it or just go with the 88 being sold for $187. Thanks for any answers.

Why are people going gluten-free?

Out of all the diet fads that I have heard of, this one confuses me the most. WHY are people cutting out gluten? Do they think it will make them lose weight? Do they think that it's hindering their health in some way if they eat it? Does everyone suddenly have celiac? Do people just hear about others who have gluten intolerances, and then convince themselves that they have an intolerance? What the hell is it??

Help me remember the name of this movie?

It's about 2 guys who plan to rob this house but then they get stuck inside & realize people are being tortured & they are going to be too. it's similar to the Collector but that's NOT it. in the movie you find out one of the guys pretending to be tortured is actually the psychopath who orchestrated it all.

Is this bullying? What should I do?

Avi is right. Get on with your life and don't try to be friends with them - you can never stop bullying by being nice to the bully.

How to say to my ex about his relationship with our children?

I didnt read everything but i read enough to understand how wrong it is to hide something financially helping someone out. If you were out there having a job he would understand and forgive you and since you said that hes a very hard worker, you seem like you dont show enough respect to him and waist it like its blown from the sky. Yes im rude but i'm a guy and i know what this feeling is to me. People with money can be greety if they are the only ones that are making while other ppl are lazy

What voucher/offer would entice you into a new coffee shop/cafe?

In my opinion any voucher is very good, but put something outside your coffee shop "Get coffee and a free cake". Good luck!

Suggestions for my pokemon emerald team?

Charizard, used him on my ruby at level 100 and beat every elite four only using him, i didnt even have to use my raquaza, groudon, or the other water legendary :P

Please help.. Serious question, should the cops be called? is this guy a freak? kids involved need help?

OMG! I would call the cops! Absolutely! If those were my kids I would for sure take action immediately!! What if he tries to go to the school to pick them up and kidnap them??? Pictures of the kids in the bathtub! That is child pornogoraphy... in this istance (which it sounds like).

(esp LGBT)Is it weird or normal?

If you feel sexual attraction towards other girls, then you're either a lesbian or bisexual, or bi-curious at least.

I don't know if i should buy a ps3 or not?

So i got 500$ for a high school graduation present and i want to buy a ps3 and some games...well i use to have one but i sold it because i never played it but now i really want one again...but my dad thinks its stupid and keeps bitching about how i shouldn't go and blow like 300$ or something on a ps3 and games...he just thinks its a waste because i had one and then i sold it so he doesn't see the point in me buying it. He thinks i could use it for better things but i really would like to have a ps3 there are so many awesome games coming out and that are out that i haven't gotten to play..but my dad is just hindering my decision to buy it because i wish he would just not ***** about it but i need some advice if i get a slim with some games it will probably be around 300$ i figured i mean my friend has a slim and got his for 230$ or 200$ i think...i just wish my dad would not ***** about it so much..i don't think its that big of a deal really...>__>

What are the best sex toys for g-spot stimulation?

I'm not sure whether to buy the Njoy Pure Wand or the G-Ki by Je Joue.The Njoy Pure Wand is made from stainless steel which means is safe(non-porous),durable,waterproof,very smooth(for more comfortable insertion) and will add all the necessary pressure to the g-spot without having to worry about breaking,bending,or not being hard enough.The problem is that it doesn't vibrate/pulsate,and I don't know if it's bended upwards(as a 90 degree angle)high /long enough to reach that spot.The G-Ki can be bended in different angles but due to its silicone material,I don't know if it's going to be hard enough to put all the pressure I need on my spot or if it's going to stay in the same angle I need while putting all the pressure on the g spot at the same time.What I like though is the fact that it vibrates and pulsates,it's waterproof,rechargeable,and it's customizable(you can bend it into different angles.So please help me I don't want to waste my money or my energy.

Pick up a good looking girl from facebook? Please read description.?

I'm 16, 6', short dirty blonde hair, good body, in advanced classes, with mild acne and straight white teeth. And I dress either prep, athletic, or western throughout each week, I'm sort of popular, but I don;t go to parties because I don't drink or smoke. Plus I drive an old school muscle car, If any of that helps you picture me. And I usually can get girls pretty easy, but they've never been that pretty to be honest, or I'd find a reason to break up with them. But I'm afraid cause of me dating literally over 30 in the passed 2 years, has hindered me from obtaining a gorgeous girl. Not saying that looks are everything, but it'd be nice for once to have a good lookin girl, and I promise you I'd keep her for a long time. But I was on my friend's facebook last night, and he got 3 hot chicks' #'s! When I talk to girls I usually put "haha"'s or ":)" he doesn't, he sounds sooooo boring, it's like 2 words and a period, and they start flirting. Idk if it's 'cause he plays a varsity sport, or what, but it just makes me soooo aangryhow he can get so hot of a girl. And I've had tons of girls say I was cuter than him. I just want some tips to like talk to some random girl, and get her to fall, but not like completely fall, just to were we start "talking". I just don't wanna come across as a man whore or creeper. I know it seems weird to do it over facebook, but in person I'm totally shy, so I have to get to know them so I'm more prepared to talk when we actually meet in person. And also so no awkward moments pop up. I just want a good looking girl that'll actually like me.

Funny things to do in public?

So it's my friends birthday coming up, and my group is taking her into the big city (we live just outside it). We're going to take her to a few places, but over the day, we're going to give her a list of things she needs to do. For example, ghosting people, asking strangers for their numbers, pretending she knows someone, go up to random people and ask "How are you doing?" to see what kind of conversation she can start. They don't all involve strangers though. My friends and I are running out of ideas though. Anything ideas from you would be great. Keep it PG though, we're only teenage girls.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Do I have a mental problem?

Nothing is wrong with you, every human being is different and has a different personality. So dont think something is 'wrong'with you, your fine, if you start thinking something is wrong with you, it will only make it worse.

Stretching on non workout days to ease soreness?

Im on a weight training program and have never done leg workouts my legs are really sore after I work them out and seems to take over a week to stop hurting. Trying ti decide if doing free squats on days I don't work out will help or hinder healing by working them extra

Does she like me? I'll answer your questions?

I'm not sure. It sounds like she's not quite sure if she likes you. I'd take it slow and try to become good friends before anything serious happens

Are there any negative reviews or "down sides" to the G-Ki by Je Joue g-spot sex toy?

I already bought the Njoy Pure Wand sex toy and it did NOT work for me,in fact I only felt a cramp-like pain in my pelvic/belly area.Still I have some hope that this other toy(G-Ki) will work because unlike the other,this one vibrates and it seems to be more customizable or more positions/angles I can choose from which I guess gives me a higher probability that this time I will have a second g-spot orgasm in my life!I'm just afraid of not only getting disappointed but also wasting all that money!Can somebody give me some advice please?

What is a good GPS app for my Android phone?

I have "Navigation" and (Google) "Maps) that both came pre-installed, but I'm looking for a better, more reliable and customizable app (i.e. where I can save certain addresses/locations) that I can use for GPS navigation. Any suggestions??

Do I have OCD and is there something wrong with me?

I have been thinking that i have had OCD for quite a while. For a few years now I have noticed some symptoms that may be associated with OCD. In particular in the last year I received a mac book from my school. On the mac book when pressing the command key and the space bar it opens a quick spotlight option. Once I found out I could do this without affecting what I was working on I started tapping it, obsessively. I tapped the space bar while holding both command keys next to it. When I was typing in school or at home I would tap it after finishing a sentence or paragraph. It just became this thing that I did. I really don't know how to describe it, it sounds silly when typing this. This didn't hinder my work in anyway but it made a loud noise that nobody mentioned at home, I pressed the space bar hard and tapped it many many times trying to make it feel right but it never really did. This was accompanied by pressing hard and swiping my hand across the clicker looking for the same feeling. I also would type, delete, and re-type letters, especially 'e' and I think 'c', I think the girl who sat next to me in computer class noticed after I did it about 10 times. I would also highlight and re-highlight the words on a web page (in the past sentence I just typed, deleted and re-typed the letter 'd' and 'c'). I would also tap other key combinations such as the command+tab shortcut which switches applications. I noticed that my symptoms were directly related with how emotional I was or how much stress I am under. Since the summer started I haven't shown many of the symptoms mentioned above, partly because of the stress-free environment of summer and mostly (I think) because I don't have the mac book any more. This was all in the past year (my first year of high-school). Before this I would visualize lining up telephone poles that I saw through the windows of our car and in restaurants. My mother noticed that I would move around in my seat lining things up outside from my perspective. I also played a game in the car where I would line up the tops of the telephone poles (with the antenna-like tops with the wires) with the blue visor at the top of our windshield (this is hard to explain also). I've always suspected this was a game though. I don't do either of these things anymore. Nowadays I will roam around the house tapping the walls and tabletops and assorted bed stands that I walk by. Sometimes I with tap the first digits of my fingers (on the inside) with some force on the top of a table or a wall. When I get medicine out of the medicine cabinet I will repeatedly touch the door and close it because it doesn't close all the way and this bothers me. I also collect useless junk. I have pieces of paper and lint that I don't want to throw away for some reason. I just collect this stuff. When the top cloth layer of the inside sole of my right shoe came out my mother wanted to throw it away but I insisted that I keep it. This also includes the clippings of my jeans that were tearing off at the bottom. Luckily I have thrown both of these pathetic items away. During the summer after 8th grade I decided to go through and throw out all of my papers from that year. Most kids say they are ready to burn their binders but I wanted to horde mine and all of the papers inside. I wanted to keep all of those papers with my A+'s on them. I thought that one day I would need them to show to someone how smart I am. I ended up throwing them away. We kept them in a brown bag that was ready to be thrown out. My mother said she would throw them away in the morning. I had a mini-panic attack that evening and I think I convinced my mother to keep them for a month or two. They're gone now. I don't know if the rest of this is related or not but here it goes; When making a decision I can usually say yes or no. But like this one time my sister and her two friends were going out with my mother and they asked me whether I wanted to come along. I initially refused but then I sat in my chair for a bit while they went out to the car. I racked my brain trying to make a decision whether I wanted to go or not. I was and still am convinced that I need to be impulsive and take those seemingly minor decisions like going with my sister and her friends. I grabbed my shoes and socks and ran out the door before they left with a quick, "I'm going too!" to my dad. I ran to the car barefoot as they were about to pull away. I was convinced I would meet someone and I would have a "book moment" (I hope you know what I mean). This also happened today when deciding whether to go walking with my dad, I also walked in complete silence with him, wondering whether I should talk about how I handled him wanted to show how to use a gun and being a "wimp" a few years ago. Do I have an anxiety disorder or something? I think it runs in the family, depression and the whol