Saturday, August 6, 2011

Pick up a good looking girl from facebook? Please read description.?

I'm 16, 6', short dirty blonde hair, good body, in advanced classes, with mild acne and straight white teeth. And I dress either prep, athletic, or western throughout each week, I'm sort of popular, but I don;t go to parties because I don't drink or smoke. Plus I drive an old school muscle car, If any of that helps you picture me. And I usually can get girls pretty easy, but they've never been that pretty to be honest, or I'd find a reason to break up with them. But I'm afraid cause of me dating literally over 30 in the passed 2 years, has hindered me from obtaining a gorgeous girl. Not saying that looks are everything, but it'd be nice for once to have a good lookin girl, and I promise you I'd keep her for a long time. But I was on my friend's facebook last night, and he got 3 hot chicks' #'s! When I talk to girls I usually put "haha"'s or ":)" he doesn't, he sounds sooooo boring, it's like 2 words and a period, and they start flirting. Idk if it's 'cause he plays a varsity sport, or what, but it just makes me soooo aangryhow he can get so hot of a girl. And I've had tons of girls say I was cuter than him. I just want some tips to like talk to some random girl, and get her to fall, but not like completely fall, just to were we start "talking". I just don't wanna come across as a man whore or creeper. I know it seems weird to do it over facebook, but in person I'm totally shy, so I have to get to know them so I'm more prepared to talk when we actually meet in person. And also so no awkward moments pop up. I just want a good looking girl that'll actually like me.

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