Sunday, August 7, 2011

If homosexuality is wrong?

why has it been around since before christianity and judaism was invented? i mean look at great people from the past, julius Caesar was rumoured to be gay "Caesar may have conquered the Gauls, but Nicomedes conquered Caesar". alexander the great was gay, homosexuality in ancient greece was something that was admired, in ancient china homosexuality was very accepted, in african tribes there was homosexual behaviour that was not slandered or hindered, and the native american also had homosexual behaviour, the only time homosexuality has been "wrong" is when these silly religions put their noses in, why do they get to decide whats right and wrong when in the past, sex was between men, and women were only to have children, i'm not saying we do that now, but we shouldn't act like homosexuality is a horrible thing, children commit suicide because of this, if you are strongly against homosexuality, you too have blood on your hands.

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