Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Nerve damage after extraction and implant?

I had tooth #19 pulled last Tuesday a bone grafting and an implant put in. I still cannot feel my left lower lip or chin. I am still in a lot of pain. I am at the point where I am having overdose symtoms from trying to manage the pain. I was taking 100 mg demoral and 1 perocet every 4 hours. I am having leg and arm spasms, tightness in my muscles. I take a break on the pain pills for 8 hours and then I try to take them again. I am not really getting any break from the pain though. I talked to my dentist twice. The last time was Friday. He said if I felt the same on Monday I should come see him. I am really worried that serious damage has occured and I am not sure I trust this OS. He was really rough on me during the extraction. I have had a lot of dental work in my life but this was really a traumatic experience. I was actually crying and shaking during the extraction. The first injection felt like a bolt of lightening in me. The swelling has gone down slightly. I have prednisone that I take for Crohns disease. I am wondering if I should start a round of it to help in reducing the swelling in hopes to take the pressure off the nerve, or will this hinder the bone graft?

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